Research Innovation and Expertise

The Ted Rogers School continues to break new ground in research that is advancing knowledge in areas from social media, harmful content online and disinformation campaigns, to policy frameworks for AI, and how emotions and empathy affect decision-making and behaviours. We focus on research that makes a difference in our community, nationally and internationally. We have also been published in top-ranked journals, collaborate across borders and partner with external organizations to expand and enhance our research.

Social media takes a troll: How anti-social behaviour online hampers empathy IRL

Young adults who troll, bully and harass individuals or groups online are likely doing it for fun or laughs and to seek social approval, research from the Social Media Lab shows.

The study by Ted Rogers School’s Professor Anatoliy Gruzd, Associate Professor Jenna Jacobson and co-authors Jaigris Hodson and Felipe Bonow Soares, examined to what extent young adults perpetrate anti-social behaviour on social media. Their research paper, “To troll or not to troll: Young adults’ anti-social behaviour on social media” was published in PLOS ONE.

Read more about the anti-social behaviour study

It found three factors that closely correlate with young adults carrying out anti-social behaviour online, including recreation, reward and cognitive empathy. Young people who perpetrate trolling, bullying and harassment were motivated to do so for fun, excitement and social approval. The study also found a negative association with cognitive empathy, suggesting that they have a lower ability or capacity to understand how their targets feel.

“Putting yourself in someone else’s shoes is important as young perpetrators have less of an understanding of how their victims feel,” Jacobson explained. “Lacking this type of empathy partially explains why they are engaging in this type of anti-social online behaviour.”

“Contrary to previous research, online disinhibition, characterized by reduced inhibitions in the online space, showed no significant associations with cyber-aggression among university students; instead, online anti-social behaviour seems to be motivated by the desire for social approval, group bonding and enjoyment,” Gruzd said.

The researchers concluded that small interventions by platforms such as showing basic community guidelines and highlighting community rules and norms could go a long way to help build empathy and mitigate anti-social behaviour among users in this age group. Another strategy is to introduce friction into online communication by encouraging users to reconsider before posting potentially offensive content; thus, giving a user a chance to reflect on their post prior to sending it.

Anatoliy Gruzd

Dr. Anatoliy Gruzd

Professor and Canada Research Chair in Privacy Preserving Digital Technologies | Director of Research, Social Media Lab

Jenna Jacobson

Dr. Jenna Jacobson

Associate Professor, Retail Management

Dr. Mathieu Lajante

Dr. Mathieu Lajante

Director, emoLab | Associate Professor, Marketing Management

EmoLab explores a new “retail therapy”

Dr. Mathieu Lajante’s new lab, based at the Ted Rogers School, is dedicated to psychophysiological investigations of consumers’ and workers’ emotional processes in various marketing settings and workplaces.

EmoLab is a neuroscience-based research platform that specializes in consumers’ physiological responses. It investigates how affective processes such as emotions and empathy affect subsequent judgments, decision-making and behaviours.

“As an expert in consumer neuroscience, it was essential to have access to a neuroscience-based research platform for leading reliable and valid research projects.”
Dr. Mathieu Lajante

Read more about the EmoLab

“I wanted to create the emoLab to bring a social and affective neuroscience perspective to marketing and management, and offer students, faculty members and industry partners a space to explore consumer and workers’ behaviours and emotions through psychophysiological measurements.”

In addition to consumer neuroscience research, the emoLab will also offer workshops, training and speaking engagement services.

Bigger is better, except when it comes to your diet

Research from Prof. Eugene Chan found a correlation between diet-related illnesses and food packaging. His study, “Larger = more attractive? Image size on food packages influences purchase likelihood,” published in Psychology & Marketing, investigates the impact of the food image size on food packages.

“While the size of this image might appear to be harmless, our research found that it can increase the food’s appeal to consumers: the larger the image, the better tasting consumers believe the food will be, which increases the chance of them purchasing the product,” he writes.

More about our food packaging research

The study demonstrates how consumers are vulnerable to manipulative marketing ploys such as “bigger is better” which encourage unhealthy diet choices.

The findings offer insights into rising obesity rates, calling for regulation of food image size on packaging by those who make policy.

“If we want to reduce the prevalence of diet-related health issues, like obesity and diabetes, regulating the size of images, which is what we see first and foremost in the grocery aisle on food products might just be what’s needed.”

Dr. Eugene Chan

Associate Professor | Dimensions Faculty Lead | Interim Chair, Marketing Management

Machine learning: Business ethics in an AI world

In March 2023, business and technology leaders and researchers signed an open letter urging artificial intelligence labs and researchers to pause their efforts in training AI systems.

The open letter called for research on the societal impacts of AI, as the technology progresses and concerns that it could be mishandled rise.

“In fact, it’s kind of an open question, whether 20 years from now, anyone will even remember the excitement and concern that was in the air about ChatGPT and other generative AI applications way back in 2023, or whether AI will just be part of the water we’re all swimming in by then without even thinking about it,” says Dr. Chris MacDonald, an associate professor at the Ted Rogers School, director of the MBA program and speaker and consultant on ethics.

“I think the evidence is that the technology is becoming so widely available, so cheap and so effective that lots of companies are just going to be using it.”

Chris MacDonald

Dr. Chris MacDonald

Graduate Program Director, MBA | Associate Professor, Law and Business

Listen to Like Nobody’s Business podcast: The ethics of AI technology and business

Extending our research reach

The number of research articles published by Ted Rogers School faculty in top-ranked journals continues to rise steadily through the years. Here is the total number and percentage of all peer-reviewed journal articles published by our faculty that were in A*/A or equivalent journals.

Journals are ranked A*/A on ABDC journal quality list or ranked above 85 percentile on Scopus.

111 top-ranked journal articles published in 2022

Graph with number of A*/A or equivalent journals in 2018: 29, 2019: 46, 2020: 74, 2021: 93, and 2022: 111 journals

Wish you were here: Is sustainable tourism achievable?

Celebrities like Drake and Taylor Swift faced criticism after flight tracking data revealed the super-rich, with their private jets, contribute more to climate change than the average person. According to Yard, a UK-based sustainability marketing agency, celebrities’ private jets produced 3,376.64 tonnes of C02e each in 2022. The average person emits just seven tonnes of CO2e annually.

On this episode of Like Nobody’s Business, Professor Rachel Dodds discusses what sustainable travel means, ways travelers can make decisions that positively impact the environment and how to hold travel companies and institutions accountable for their actions when it comes to tourism.

Image of maps, camera and other travel gadgets with Like Nobody's Business icon
Rachel Dodds
Ugonna Omerizi

Ugonna Omeziri, Master of Science in Management, 2019

Outstanding start: MScM grad in top-ranked journal

When it comes to enterprise systems, Ted Rogers School researchers have found that satisfaction with the enterprise systems (ES) significantly affects all of the employee-related variables and that the effects are more pronounced among heavier users of the system. Master of Science in Management graduate Ugonna Omeziri (’19) and his supervisors examined how the changes due to the full implementation of an ES impact job satisfaction, job stress and employee engagement.

Their paper, “Does user satisfaction affect employee well-being? An exploratory investigation at the onward and upward stage of enterprise system experience cycle,” was published in the top-ranked journal Enterprise Information Systems.

Read more about Ugonna Omeziri

“It is a wonderful opportunity to have my first research paper published with a reputable journal. The research publication is the product of my master’s thesis on the impact of continued use of enterprise systems,” says Omeziri. “This work would not have been possible without the guidance of my exceptional supervisors, Dr. Ozgur Turetken and Dr. Linying Dong who saw merit in my research proposal. I also want to acknowledge Dr. Sameh Al Natour for his excellent contribution to the published paper. I look forward to future collaboration.”

Since satisfaction, stress and engagement are recognized aspects of employee well-being, their results give organizations adopting or considering ES insights on how to improve employee well-being by making the ES adoption a satisfactory experience for users. This is especially important in the current labour environment where enterprises are competing for talent, and investments in well-being have a high likelihood for a good return.


Has online shopping reached its prime?

Online shopping, as a habit, has carried over into the present day, leaving in-store shopping to catch up and close that gap. Extravagant in-store experiences are what some businesses are turning to as incentive to bring in consumers.

In this podcast, Dr. Joanne McNeish, an associate professor in marketing management and Dr. Joe Aversa, an assistant professor in retail management, discuss what the customers may be thinking, what this type of marketing accomplishes for companies, where the retail landscape currently sits and what businesses are going to have to do in order to keep pace with the demands of online and in-store retail spaces.

Like Nobody's Business

Insights and opinions that matter

Media outlets have turned to Ted Rogers School faculty members for their expert insights and opinions. From August 2022 to July 2023, we had 8,983 media mentions across online, radio and TV news outlets, both nationally and internationally.

Media Mentions

Student research

At the Ted Rogers School, your research career begins while you’re learning. Meet three students-turned-published-scholars.

Naza Djafarova

Naza Djafarova, MScM class of 2022, had published multiple papers on Game Design by the time she graduated. She is currently the Director, Digital Education Strategies, at The Chang School.

Omar Fares

Omar Fares completed his BComm and MScM from TMU and had three publications in the previous year. He is currently an Instructor and began his PhD at the Ted Rogers School.

Atiyeh Kazerooni Monfared

Atiyeh Kazerooni Monfared, a second year PhD student, received a Supply Chain Management Association of Ontario Award.



program in Canada

In the prestigious QS World University Rankings by Subject 2023, Ted Rogers School’s Hospitality and Tourism Management program ranked #1 in Canada for Citations per Paper and #13 in the world in Hospitality Leisure Management subject area’s “citations per paper” index.


school in Canada

For the second straight time, Ted Rogers School’s Real Estate Management program is the #1 school in Canada in the Real Estate Academic Leadership (REAL) Rankings for 2018-2022. The program was also tied for #36 worldwide (with five other schools).


program in Canada

Corporate Knights’ 2023 Better World Ranking named the Ted Rogers MBA program 5th in Canada and 20th globally for integrating relevant sustainable development themes into their core courses.

Ted Rogers School of Management, Toronto Metropolitan University

350 Victoria Street, Toronto, Ontario  M5B 2K3
Contact us

Jessica Patterson
Writing and Content Specialist,
Ted Rogers School of Management

Maya Paidi
Research Support Specialist,
Ted Rogers School of Management

Martha Castillo
Web Developer,
Ted Rogers School of Management

Cassandra Earle
Media and Rich Content Specialist,
Ted Rogers School of Management

The content of this report covers July 2022-August 2023.

In April 2022, the university announced our new name of Toronto Metropolitan University, which will be implemented in a phased approach. Learn more about our next chapter.